Quotes Yone

Princess Leia Organa: Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought onboard.
Grand Moff Tarkin: Charming to the last. You don't know how hard I found it, signing the order to terminate your life.
Princess Leia Organa: [sarcastically] I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.
Grand Moff Tarkin: Princess Leia, before your execution, you will join me at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now.
Princess Leia Organa: The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
Grand Moff Tarkin: Not after we demonstrate the power of this battle station. In a way, you have determined the choice of the planet that is to be destroyed first. Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Rebel base, I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan.
Princess Leia Organa: [shocked] No! Alderaan is peaceful, we have no weapons. You can't possibly—
Grand Moff Tarkin: You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system! [stepping closer to Leia and pinning her against Darth Vader] I grow tired of asking this, so it will be the last time. Where is the Rebel base?
Princess Leia Organa: [looks at Alderaan for a moment, then, resigned] Dantooine. They're all on Dantooine.
Grand Moff Tarkin: There you see, Lord Vader? She can be reasonable. Proceed with the operation. You may fire when ready.
Princess Leia Organa: [indignant] What?!
Grand Moff Tarkin: You're far too trusting. Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration, but don't worry. We will deal with your rebel friends soon enough.
  • What does "The Poet" by Yone Noguchi mean? Out of the deep and the dark, A sparkling mystery, a shape, Something perfect, Comes like the stir of the day: One whose breath is an odor, Whose eyes show the road to stars, The breeze in his face, The glory of heaven on his back. He steps like a vision hung in air, Diffusing the passion.
  • We've searched our database for all the quotes and captions related to Yone.Here they are! All 10 of them: “.

Quotes Yone Noguchi's The Spirit of Japanese Poetry (1914) The Spirit of Japanese Poetry, trans. Yone Noguchi (John Murray, 1914) The flowers and my love Passed away under the rain, While I idly looked upon them Where is my yester-love? 112; Donald Keene's Anthology of Japanese Literature (1955).

Princess Leia Organa : Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought onboard. Grand Moff Tarkin : Charming to the last. You don't know how hard I found it, signing the order to terminate your life. Princess Leia Organa : [sarcastically] I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself. Grand Moff Tarkin : Princess Leia, before your execution, you will join me at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now. Princess Leia Organa : The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers. Grand Moff Tarkin : Not after we demonstrate the power of this battle station. In a way, you have determined the choice of the planet that is to be destroyed first. Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Rebel base, I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan. Princess Leia Organa : [shocked] No! Alderaan is peaceful, we have no weapons. You can't possibly— Grand Moff Tarkin : You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system! [stepping closer to Leia and pinning her against Darth Vader] I grow tired of asking this, so it will be the last time. Where is the Rebel base? Princess Leia Organa : [looks at Alderaan for a moment, then, resigned] Dantooine. They're all on Dantooine. Grand Moff Tarkin : There you see, Lord Vader? She can be reasonable. Proceed with the operation. You may fire when ready. Princess Leia Organa : [indignant] What?! Grand Moff Tarkin : You're far too trusting. Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration, but don't worry. We will deal with your rebel friends soon enough.
Princess Leia Organa: Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought onboard.
Grand Moff Tarkin: Charming to the last. You don't know how hard I found it, signing the order to terminate your life.
Princess Leia Organa: [sarcastically] I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.
Grand Moff Tarkin: Princess Leia, before your execution, you will join me at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now.
Princess Leia Organa: The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
Grand Moff Tarkin: Not after we demonstrate the power of this battle station. In a way, you have determined the choice of the planet that is to be destroyed first. Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Rebel base, I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan.
Princess Leia Organa: [shocked] No! Alderaan is peaceful, we have no weapons. You can't possibly—
Grand Moff Tarkin: You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system! [stepping closer to Leia and pinning her against Darth Vader] I grow tired of asking this, so it will be the last time. Where is the Rebel base?
Princess Leia Organa: [looks at Alderaan for a moment, then, resigned] Dantooine. They're all on Dantooine.
Grand Moff Tarkin: There you see, Lord Vader? She can be reasonable. Proceed with the operation. You may fire when ready.
Princess Leia Organa: [indignant] What?!
Grand Moff Tarkin: You're far too trusting. Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration, but don't worry. We will deal with your rebel friends soon enough.
Princess Leia Organa : Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought onboard. Grand Moff Tarkin : Charming to the last. You don't know how hard I found it, signing the order to terminate your life. Princess Leia Organa : [sarcastically] I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself. Grand Moff Tarkin : Princess Leia, before your execution, you will join me at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now. Princess Leia Organa : The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers. Grand Moff Tarkin : Not after we demonstrate the power of this battle station. In a way, you have determined the choice of the planet that is to be destroyed first. Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Rebel base, I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan. Princess Leia Organa : [shocked] No! Alderaan is peaceful, we have no weapons. You can't possibly— Grand Moff Tarkin : You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system! [stepping closer to Leia and pinning her against Darth Vader] I grow tired of asking this, so it will be the last time. Where is the Rebel base? Princess Leia Organa : [looks at Alderaan for a moment, then, resigned] Dantooine. They're all on Dantooine. Grand Moff Tarkin : There you see, Lord Vader? She can be reasonable. Proceed with the operation. You may fire when ready. Princess Leia Organa : [indignant] What?! Grand Moff Tarkin : You're far too trusting. Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration, but don't worry. We will deal with your rebel friends soon enough.

Kenshi Yonezu Quotes
