Quotes Horace


Quotes By Horace. Nationality: Romanian. Poet Horace was born on 8th December 2065 BC. Even though it is not clear where Horace was born, it is known that he was a Romanian citizen. He was also called Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Quintus Horatius Flaccus was 2057 years old when he died on 27th November 8 BC. Quintus Horatius Flaccus was an outstanding Latin lyric poet and satirist under the emperor Augustus. The most frequent themes of his Odes and verse Epistles are love, friendship, philosophy, and the art of.


Enjoy the best Horace Quotes at BrainyQuote. Quotations by Horace, Roman Poet, Born 65 BC. Share with your friends. Horace was the leading Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus.May his quotes inspire you to take action and live the life of your dreams. “Wisdom is not wisdom when it is derived from books alone.”.


Horace Slughorn Quotes:

  • Horace Slughorn: [talking to Harry about his fish] It was a student who gave me Francis. One Spring afternoon I discovered a bowl on my desk, just a few inches of clear water in it. Floating on the surface was a flower petal. As I washed, it sank. Just when it reached the bottom, it transformed into a wee fish. It was beautiful magic, wondrous to the behold. The flower petal had come from a lily, your mother. The day I came downstairs, the day the bowl was empty, was the day your mother...

  • Horace Slughorn: [shocked] Harry!

    Harry Potter: [imitating Slughorn and hyper from the Felix potion] Sir!

    -- Horace Slughorn
  • [Slughorn is snipping tentacular leaves through a window in the greenhouse; Harry, who is walking by, notices Slughorn and walks up behind him. Slughorn is startled]

    Horace Slughorn: Aaauughh!... Merlin's beard, Harry!

    Harry Potter: Oh, sorry, sir, I should've announced myself. Cleared my throat. Coughed. You probably feared I was Professor Sprout!

    Horace Slughorn: Yes, I did actually!... What made you think that?

    Harry Potter: Oh, well, just the general behavior, sir - the sneaking around, jumping when you saw me... Are those tentacular leaves, sir? They're very valuable, aren't they?

    Horace Slughorn: Ten Galleons a leaf to the right buyer!... Not that I'm familiar with any such back alley transactions, but one does hear rumors. My own interests are purely academic, of course.

    Harry Potter: Personally, these plants always kind of freak me out.

  • Horace Slughorn: Harry! I must insist you accompany me back to the castle immediately!

    Harry Potter: That would be counterproductive, sir!

    Horace Slughorn: What makes you say that?

    Harry Potter: No idea!

    -- Horace Slughorn
  • Horace Slughorn: Exactly how did you get out of the castle, Harry?

    Harry Potter: Through the front door sir.

  • Horace Slughorn: I would have thought an expert potion-maker like yourself could whip up an antidote for a love potion in no time, Harry?

    Harry Potter: Well, sir, I think this called for a more practiced hand.

    Ron Weasley: [throws his arms around Slughorn] Hello, darling. Fancy a drink?

    Horace Slughorn: Perhaps you're right.

    -- Horace Slughorn
  • Rubeus Hagrid: [talking about Aragog] I had him from an egg, you know? Tiny little thing he was when he hatched. No bigger than a Pekingese. A Pekingese, mind you!

    Horace Slughorn: How sweet! I once had a fish... Francis. He was very dear to me. One afternoon, I came downstairs and... it vanished. Poof.

    Rubeus Hagrid: That's very odd, isn't it?

    Horace Slughorn: Yes, doesn't it? But that's life! I suppose, you - you go along with and suddenly... poof.

    Rubeus Hagrid: Poof.

    Harry Potter: Poof.

  • Horace Slughorn: What about you, Miss Granger? What do your parents do in the muggle world?

    Hermione Granger: Ah, my parents are dentists.

    Horace Slughorn: And is that considered a dangerous profession?

    -- Horace Slughorn
  • Horace Slughorn: [during Aragog's funeral] Farewell, Aragog. King of the arachnids. Your body will decay... but your spirit lingers on and your human friends find solace, the loss they have sustained.

  • Harry Potter: What brings you here, sir?

    Horace Slughorn: [good-naturedly/drunkenly] Oh, the Three Broomsticks and I go way back! Farther back than I care to admit! Ho ho ho... Why I can remember when it was just ONE Broomstick!

    [Slughorn chuckles and spills his drink all over the table, splashing Hermione; she jumps away]

    Horace Slughorn: Whoops! All hands on deck, there, Granger!

    -- Horace Slughorn
  • Horace Slughorn: Thank you for the pineapple, you're quite right, it is my favorite - but how did you know?

    Tom Riddle - Age 16: Intuition.

  • Horace Slughorn: [showing Harry pictures] I taught the whole Black family, except Sirius, it's a shame. I got Regulus when he came around of course, but I would have liked the set.

    -- Horace Slughorn
  • Horace Slughorn: [in regard to returning to Hogwarts] All right, I'll do it! But I want Professor Merrythought's office, not that water closet I had before. And I want a raise, these are mad times we live in. MAD!

  • [Harry persuades Slughorn to hand over his true memory]

    Horace Slughorn: Please don't think badly of me when you see it. You have no idea what he was like... even back then.

    -- Horace Slughorn
  • Ron Weasley: [he puts his arms around Professor Slughorn thinking he is Romilda Vane] Hello darling fancy a drink?

    Horace Slughorn: Perhaps you're right Harry.

  • Harry Potter: [Harry knocks on the door of Professor Slughorn's room] I'm sorry, sir. I wouldn't bother you if it weren't essential.

    Ron Weasley: Where's Romilda?

    Horace Slughorn: What's the matter with Wenby?

    Harry Potter: [Whispers] Very powerful love potion.

    Horace Slughorn: Very well. Better bring him in. I'd have thought you could have whipped up a remedy for this in no time, Harry.

    Harry Potter: I'd have thought that this called for a more practised hand, sir.

    Ron Weasley: [Ron wraps his arms around Professor Slughorn and looks at him romantically] Hello Darling. Fancy a drink?

    Horace Slughorn: Perhaps you're right.

    -- Horace Slughorn
  • [after exposing Slughorn's disguise]

    Albus Dumbledore: I must say, Horace, you make a very convincing armchair.

    Horace Slughorn: Oh, thank you. It's all in the upholstry.

    [pats his stomach]

    Horace Slughorn: I come about the stuffing naturally.

  • Horace Slughorn: [from trailer]

    [to class]

    Horace Slughorn: What you see here before you is a curious little potion. It does cause infatuation or obsession.

    -- Horace Slughorn
  • Horace Slughorn: [from trailer] Now get out of here at once!

  • Horace Slughorn: [from trailer] These are mad times we live in! Mad!

    -- Horace Slughorn

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Roman Poet Horace Quotes


Quotes Horace

  • Whatever advice you give, be brief.: Ars Poetica
  • Anger
    Anger is a brief madness.: Epistles
  • To have begun is to have done half the task; dare to be wise.: Epistles
  • Boldness and Enterprise
    Nothing is too high for the daring of mortals; we storm heaven itself in our folly.: Odes
  • I struggle to be brief, and I become obscure.: Ars Poetica
  • City and Country
    In Rome you long for the country; in the country—oh inconstant!—you praise the distant city to the stars.: Satires
  • The mountains will be in labor, and a ridiculous mouse will be born.: Ars Poetica
  • Fame
    Many brave men lived before Agamemnon, but all are weighed down in unending night, unwept and unknown, because they lacked a sacred bard.: Odes
  • Sometimes even excellent Homer nods.: Ars Poetica
  • Nature
    You may drive out Nature with a pitchfork, yet she will always hurry back.: Epistles
  • It is your concern when the wall next door is on fire.: Epistles
  • Patriotism and Nationalism
    Sweet and glorious it is to die for one's country.: Odes
  • The word once spoken flies beyond recall.: Epistles
  • The People
    You [the people] are a many-headed beast.: Epistles
  • Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow.: Odes
  • Violence and Force
    Force without judgment falls of its own weight.
    : Odes