Plotsquared Commands List

Native Minecraft Version:
  • A listing of all the commands avaliable with the essentials plugin. Under usage, items enclosed in are required while items in and are optional. The group permission column lists the minimum necessary permission to use the command (or certain aspects of the command).
  • PlotSquared synchronization in the bungee cord / waterfall network. Allows several Citybuild sub-servers to be synced in the network. The command / visit shows a GUI with an overview of all plots in the network. / visit ID or click in the GUI teleports the player to the respective plot, across networks.

Accepts commands with multiple parameters, e.g /gamemode creative. A binary tuple of numbers e.g. ¶ BlockTypeList. A list of blocks, supporting both legacy numerical IDs and new string IDs e.g. Grassblock for grass blocks; 7 for bedrock; 7,3 for bedrock and dirt; 35:14,35:15 for red and black wool; These flags also. Simpler alternative to the `/plot setup` command./plot area create <world>:<areaid> <modifiers>/plot area create pos1/plot area create pos2/plot area confirm.

Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.15
  • 1.16
Languages Supported:
German, but all Messages fully configurable
Works with PlotSquared v4 and v5
PlotSquaredSettings allows your players to set flags inside a GUI.
Currently the following flags are supported: Missing a flag? Feel free to contact me!
  • vehicle-break
  • pve
  • pvp
  • fly
  • explosion
  • ice-melt
  • mycel-grow
  • grass-grow
  • forcefield
  • vine-grow
  • vehicle-use
  • snow-melt
  • vehicle-place
  • kelp-grow
  • This project is still beta, so more flags will come soon!
Note: Most custom plugins which introduce a 'true/false' flag, will also work.
PlotSquaredSettings does not have any permissions, it uses the Permissions of PlotSqared:
/psettings - opens the GUI


# The name of the GUI
: '&2Plot-Settings'
# Chat messages
# Message is displayed if you are not standing on a plot
: 'Du stehst auf keinem Plot!'
# Message is displayed if you are not standing on your own plot
: 'Du bist nicht der Plot-Besitzer!'
# Message is displayed if you don't have the permission to set the flags on this plot
: '&4Du besitzt dafür nicht die nötigen Rechte!'
# Items for different setting states (disabled/enabled/default) and menus
: 'white_banner'
: 'Flags setzen'
: 'light_gray_stained_glass_pane'
: '
: 'player_head'
: 'Spieler verwalten'
: 'green_wool'
: 'Aktiviert'
: 'red_wool'
: 'Deaktiviert'
: 'green_wool'
: 'Aktiviert'
: 'red_wool'
: 'Deaktiviert'
: 'gray_wool'
: 'Standardwert'
# Each flag should have its entry in flag-items with an item ID
: 'feather'
: 'tnt'
: 'grass'
: 'vine'
: 'mycelium'
: 'kelp'
: 'snowball'
: 'minecart'
: 'chest_minecart'
: 'tnt_minecart'
: 'ice'
: 'diamond_sword'
: 'golden_sword'

For a list of other (non-region protection related) commands, see the Commands page. Permissions for these commands is detailed on the Permissions page.

Some of these commands may run in the background and then later return results. The list of active background commands can be viewed with /wgrunning. There is a hard limit to the number of running and queued commands.

Either /region or /rg can be used for commands. Some sub-commands have multiple aliases (for example, /rgd can be used a shortcut to /rgdefine).


You can use most of these commands from console, but you may need to specify the -w flag (when available).

Creating and Removing Regions¶


Creates a new region with a given ID and an optional list of owners. Your current WorldEdit selection is used for the area of the region.

Plotsquared Commands List Minecraft

Region IDs are case-insensitive. Only one region can exist with a given name (per-world).

  • -g will create a new “global” region (not the same as the Global Region) that has no physical space, which is useful for creating template regions (see Priority and Inheritance)
  • -n will store the given owner names as names, rather than converting them to UUIDs

Example: Creating a new “shop” region with “sk89q” and “wizjany” as owners


Removes a region.

If the specified region has child regions, then either -u or -f must be specified. Both options cannot be specified together.

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console
  • -u changes child regions of the specified region to have no parent
  • -f removes child regions of the specified region


Changes the physical area associated with an existing region and replaces it with your current WorldEdit selection.

  • -g will create a new “global” region (not the same as the Global Region) that has no physical space, which is useful for creating template regions (see Priority and Inheritance)


Claims a region, which is for self-serve player-created regions. See Claiming for more information.

Editing Memberships¶

Add Member¶

Adds any number of members to a region. Using g:<member> will add a permission group instead of a player.

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console
  • -n tells WorldGuard to add players as names instead of UUIDs. Players added as names only will lose their membership if they change their Minecraft name.

Example: Adding the “builder” group and the player “sk89q” as members of a “spawn” region of the “lobby” world.

Add Owner¶

Adds any number of owners to a region. Using g:<owner> will add a permission group instead of a player.

Plotsquared Commands List

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console
  • -n tells WorldGuard to add players as names instead of UUIDs. Players added as names only will lose their ownership if they change their Minecraft name.

Example: Adding the “admins” group and the player “eduardo” as members of a “spawn” region of the “lobby” world.

Remove Member¶

Removes any number of members from a region. As in the add command, use g:<member> to specify a permission group.

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console
  • -n will remove a player who was added by name instead of UUID.
  • -a will remove all members from the region, ignoring the <members…> argument

Remove Owner¶

Removes any number of owners from a region. As in the add command, use g:<owner> to specify a permission group.

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console
  • -n will remove a player who was added by name instead of UUID.
  • -a will remove all owners from the region, ignoring the <owners…> argument

Getting Information¶


Replaces your current WorldEdit selection with the area of an existing region.


Displays information about a specified region, or if no region is specified, the region that you are currently in. If you are in several regions, then a list will shown instead.

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console
  • -s causes the command to select the region (see /rgselect)
  • -u causes UUIDs to be shown rather than player’s last seen names

Example: Showing information about the Global Region


Displays a paginated, interactive list of flags for the given region.

Explicitly set flags are shown with white values, flags inherited from a parent region are shown in light gray, and unset flags are shown with their default value in dark gray.

Clicking on the values allows you to quickly set and unset flags, and the arrows at the bottom next to the page number can be used to navigate the list.


Lists the regions that have been created. A number can be provided to show a certain page.

If a player does have permission to list all regions but has permission to list his or her own (ones the player is a member or owner of), then the command will automatically only list the player’s own regions.

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console
  • -n causes the command to search only by name rather than UUID and name
  • -p<player> can be specified to filter on regions that the given player is a member or owner of

Example: Listing regions that “sk89q” is a member or owner of

Setting Region Options¶


Sets a flag on a region (see Region Flags for more information).

To unset a flag, don’t specify a value.

To set a flag to a blank value, use -e. This is useful for setting flags like greeting to a blank message to override the flag set in a different, larger, and lower priority region. If -e is specified in addition to a value, the value is discarded.

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console
  • -g<group> specifies the region group (see Region Flags)
  • -e sets an empty value

Example: Setting the pvp flag of “mall” to “deny” with region group “nonmembers”

Example: Unsetting the greeting flag on “mall”

Example: Setting the greeting flag to an empty value


Sets the priority of a region. See Priority and Inheritance for more information.

The default priority of a region is 0.

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console


Sets the parent of a region. See Priority and Inheritance for more information.

To unset a parent priority, specify no parent.

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console

Example: Setting the parent of “plot1” to “mall”

Example: Removing the parent of “plot1”

Miscellaneous Commands¶


Teleports yourself to the location specified by either the spawn or teleportflags.

  • -s selects the spawn flag rather than the teleport flag


It is currently not possible to teleport to a region that does not have either of these flags set. Issue WORLDGUARD-2671 to fix this is pending.

Management Commands¶


Reloads the region data from file or database. If recent changes were made in-game to the region data, this may cause data loss.

The load operation occurs in the background and will not pause the server. If the command is used before a previous load has completed, the new load will be queued. There is a limit to the maximum number of operations that can be queued.

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console


Saves the region data to disk.


Region data is saved automatically soon after any changes are made, so this command does not need to be called explicitly.

The save operation occurs in the background and will not pause the server. If the command is used before a previous save has completed, the new save will be queued. There is a limit to the maximum number of operations that can be queued.

  • -w<world> can be specified to run this command for a different world or from console

Migrate Database¶

Migrates from one type of storage driver (see Storage Drivers) to another.

Valid choices for “from” and “to” are:

  • yaml
  • mysql

Migration does not automatically enable the target storage driver – that must be done in the Configuration.


Be sure to make a backup before running migration.


This command does not run in the background and will pause the entire server. If your server software has server pause detection, this may kill the server during migration and abort the migration process. If migration is aborted or fails, you may need to empty the target storage before re-running migration.

Migrate UUID¶

Converts player names in the region data to Mojang UUIDs.

Names that have no corresponding UUIDs will either be removed or left remaining depending on the Configuration (the setting is keep-names-that-lack-uuids).


Be sure to make a backup before running migration.


This command does not run in the background and will pause the entire server. If your server software has server pause detection, this may kill the server during migration and abort the migration process.