Casino Night Fundraiser Nj

Whether it`s a church fundraiser, school fundraiser, sports fundraiser or any other type of fundraiser call us. Servicing the New York and New Jersey Tri State areas. Your guests will have a great time and will love helping your non-profit organization raise money for your cause while enjoying the Casino theme night entertainment. Philly Casino Parties offers casino party rentals & poker nights for your event or fundraiser. Servicing the Philadelphia region, NJ & DE. 484-469-0288.

Casino Night Fundraiser Nh

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Casino Night Fundraiser Los Angeles


Virtual Casino Night Fundraiser

In order to host a casino night fundraiser, your organization – or your sponsor organization – must be registered with the New Jersey Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission, or NJLGCCC for short. This registration is often referred to as the bingo or raffle license. Generally when asked the question, 'How much money would you like to raise at this event?' A Casino Night Fundraiser is an event where guests experience the fun and excitement of playing in a real casino. Depending on state restrictions, the event features gaming tables much like the ones you would find in a real casino, as well as professional dealers to run the games. IN NEW JERSEY & DELAWARE.