Blots Means

Genesis 6:7 - The Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.”. Another example is Odense, which means Odin’s Vi. The word ”vi” appears in many place names and means shrine. The Vikings called special consecrated areas “vier”. Here sacrifices were offered to the gods in natural surroundings. The word ”vi” is still used in Danish and means to make something holy.
A blot is a dirty smudge, mark, or stain, like the giant blot of ketchup that remains on your shirt long after the hotdog-eating contest is over. 'The scandal was a blot on the presidential campaign.' As a verb, blot can mean 'obscure,' like when you use your hand to blot out the sun, or 'dry a wet spot,' the way you blot spilled tea with.
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.Acronym | Definition |
BLOT | Build, Lease, Operate, Transfer (contracts) |
BLOT | Bimodality Lung Oncology Trial |
BLOT | Belvoir Locals Oppose Turbines (Grantham, Lincolnshire, England, UK) |
BLOT | Bottom Line on Top (memo writing) |
BLOT | Battalion for the Liberation of Oppressed Taxpayers (online gaming clan) |

Short for blotter, as in blotter paper. In drug culture, LSD is commonly absorbed into this paper and sold as 'hits'. A single blot is normally smaller than a postage stamp. Learner's definition of BLOT count 1. A: a spot or stain. A blot of ink =an ink blot + more examples - hide examples + Example sentences - Hide examples. B: something that makes something else dirty or unattractive. The tower is a blot on the landscape.

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